Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Few of my Favorite Things

Landon is now just over 2 months old and I wanted to remember some of my very favorite things that he does.  I try to capture them on the camera, but it's not always possible.

I love it when he "holds" his paci while he's sleeping.  I'm not sure if he really knows what he's doing, but he will often keep his little hand right on his paci.

I love it when he is on his changing table and his little arms and legs just start going nuts.  If you step back so you cant see his head/face, it is so funny to see his arms and legs flapping around in the air.  His arms only stop moving when he's sleeping.

I love it when he "talks" to you.  I'm trying to get a video of this and will post it as soon as I can.  He gets distracted by my phone and stops talking!  But when he "talks," he will sometimes scrunch up his right shoulder and gives the best smiles.  This usually happens after he's nice and full and is laying on his changing table.  He loves to lay on his changing table and talk to anyone who will listen!

I love it when he sees something new and his eyes get SO wide!  He's really starting to take in so many new things!

Month Two

Landon William Smith, you are TWO months old and you make every day better than the last!   You are growing and changing quickly and we love you more than we could have ever imagined.

At two months you:
  • Weigh 12 lbs (41st percentile)
  • Are 23.5 inches long (72nd percentile)
  • Still have a big ole noggin! 16 inches (89th percentile)
  • Are still long and lean :)
  • Have gotten some of your hair back on top of your head.  It looks like you'll have dark brown hair with a slight wave to it.  Your eyes have definitely gotten darker brown-- they are gorgeous just like daddy's :)
  • Are eating about every 3 hours (still only nursing at this point, no bottles yet)
  • "Play" for about 30-45 minutes after you eat and then are ready for a nap.  You have been napping either on your tummy on the ottoman in the living room (with someone watching you very closely) or in the swing.  You also like to nap in your car seat in the car and in the stroller.
  • Sleep in the Rock n' Play next to mommy's side of the bed.  You seem to like it pretty well!  We've tried putting you on your back in the Pack n' Play but you startle yourself awake.  We'll keep practicing :)
  • Wear 0-3 month and 3 month outfits.  Can't believe you're out of newborn outfits!  :'(  Growing so fast!
  • Wear size 2 diapers as of about 1.5 months.  You started leaking through the size 1 diapers and ruined a couple outfits in the process!  Yuck!
  • Like your MAM paci.  You don't love it, but you like it when you're sleepy and trying to fall asleep.  It does seem to soothe you but you don't suck it all the time
  • Love to snuggle when you're really tired but you don't really like to fall asleep snuggled too tight.  Sometimes you'll fall asleep in our arms or on our shoulder
  • Still love to ride in the car and love your stroller even more, but if the car or stroller stop-- you want OUT!
  • Still love to take a bath with mommy but don't really like to take a bath in your own bathtub 
  • Got to celebrate Valentine's Day AND went outside (for about 3 minutes) in your first, major snow (we got a whopping 5 inches)
  • Had your 2 month shots on your 2 month birthday.  Daddy had to hold your arms down because mommy was too worried and scared of your reaction.  They gave you one medicine in your mouth and then FOUR shots - two in each leg!  You screamed, but not for too long.  You were definitely not yourself for the rest of the day.  You slept most of the whole day, hardly ate for about 6 hours, and we didn't get too many smiles.  This made mommy and daddy very sad, but you recovered and had no bad reactions to the shots :)
  • Have had Cradle Cap or some kind of dry skin issue on your head and forehead.  We are going to see a pediatric dermatologist because it seems to be bugging you and we can't figure out how to get rid of it!  We've tried organic shampoo, Aquafor, prescription cream, and coconut oil but nothing seems to do the trick.  We're most worried about your forehead because it seems really dry and irritates you.  You inadvertently scratch your forehead so you have scratch marks on your forehead :(  We've clipped your nails well, put mittens on your hands, and are keeping your forehead lubricated...we'll keep working at it, sweet boy!

Here are some pictures of you in your second month.  We love you to the moon and back times infinity.

Trying out the Pack n' Play...didn't last long :)

Happy Valentine's Day, our little love bug!

After your shots :'(

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Smiley Boy

Seeing Landon smile when he looks at your face is one of the highlights of each day.  Knowing that he recognizes you is so cool.  Although, sometimes he smiles at random mirrors or fans in the house, so I'm hoping that he really does recognize us ;) 

Needless to say, I spend many hours a day talking in that high pitched mom/baby voice trying to get him to crack that smile.  It's so worth the embarrassing "hi boo boo baby, hi sweet boy, Laaaaandon, smile at mommy, hiiiiii...." that I swore would never come out of my mouth.  He probably just smiles so I'll stop squealing at him. 

Here are some of his smiles that have really come alive in his 6th week of life: